Donald Trump
Shut the fuck up (Tiny Hands!)
Mike Pence
Shut the fuck up (Homophobe!)
Sarah Sanders
Shut the fuck up (Huckabee!)
Donald Trump
Shut the fuck up (So nice we say it twice)

You thought Bush was stupid
Give this crew a chance
They've got shit for brains
And fire on their pants
They open their mouths
And say nothing that is true
Every fifth grader
Knows more history than they do
English as a third language
Got no first two
I'm giving Darwin Awards
To your whole fucking crew
Fair and balanced my ass
Time to take them to class
If they're driving the car
We're all gonna crash

Donald Trump
Shut the fuck up (Psssssss!)
Tucker Carlson
Shut the fuck up (Racist)
Sean Hannity
Shut the fuck up (Sexist)
Ann Coulter
Shut the fuck up (Nazi!)

These fuckers in this situation
Saying "We don't need no education"
Shut the fuck up, yes you do
Get up off your ass and get to school
Living in a fairy tale world
Where Ronald Reagan is god
Ayn Rand is lord
Truth is fraud, reality ignored
Talking nothing but shit
Clogging up the airwaves
It's money, money, money
Not Jesus that saves
If you listen to them
You need a psychiatric check-up
You need to turn 'em off
They need to shut the fuck up

Donald Trump
Shut the fuck up (Cheetos!)
Shut the fuck up (9/11)
The Trump offspring
Shut the fuck up (Cornholio!)
All of y'all need to shut the fuck up (Seriously)